Aside from the bit of obligatory Robert Frost almost any kid of my time bumped into in public school, I started late reading poetry; I was in college before I found what it meant to me. The first discoveries were by no means cutting-edge; I started with Ezra Pound and T.S. Eliot, poets who have stayed with me these 30-something years in a way few others have. Since that time I've read quite a few other poets; while there are so many that I truly enjoy, the list of those writing since 1900 in English, that impress my mind with some vital points of significance and resonance in life, idea and craft is much smaller, tending to the "conservative" even (though "conservative" in the best sense). Go figure...: |
Ezra Pound T.S. Eliot Wallace Stevens Marianne Moore James Schuyler John Ashbery Frank O'Hara Mark Strand Diane Wakoski Jerome Rothenberg David Ferry Terry Ehret Amy Neuman Jena Osman Ezra Mark Michael Palmer ............. |
I know that I'll always be missing something in the work I love by poets writing outside the English language. Still, I have a little list: |
Guillaume Apollinaire Pierre Reverdy Rafael Alberti Octavio Paz Edmond Jabès Shuntaro Tanikawa Emmanuel Hocquard |